Fire Prevention Week
We will be talking about fire safety. Please ask your kids if
they remember what they learned at the gym!
Apple Picking Week:)
Collecting, counting, tossing, jumping over our Fall apples!
Looking forward to baking our pretend apple pies:)
New Class Openings!
Visit the parent portal for new class openings and spots each
We look forward to seeing you soon:)
National Gymnastics Day
We celebrate gymnastics all year but National Gymnastics Day is
the 3rd Saturday in September! Join us this week as we celebrate
the sport we love!
Beach Week!
Building sandcastles, going on a summer scavenger hunt, and using
our imaginations...what a great day at the beach:)
Construction Zone Ahead!
Can yyou dig our little friends building and stacking! Its all
about following the signs and making something great!
Pick which week works for you or sign up for both and save $50!
Sign up today for your Summer fun at Flip Fest here:
Its Dinasour Week!
We have so many fun circuits set up for this week! There are ots
of dinasours watching our climbs, rolls, hanging shapes, tunnels,
and so much more!
Lets sea what we can see!!
We are crab walking, fishing, swimming in and around all the sea
creatures this week!
Swinging through the jungle!
Lions and tigers and monkeys oh my! Keep your eye out for the
Giant alligator too:)
Welcome to the farm!
Welcome to the farm this week! we will be hopping, skipping,
jumping, rolling our way through animals and the barn!
We're going on a picnic!
Let's see what we can see! There are ladybugs to count, ants to
march with, ducks to jump over and butterflies to fly with:)
It's going to be great!
Jelly Bean Jam!!
Everything beans! Bean bag toss, bean bag holds, bean bag lift,
and count the beans!
We're hopping down the bunny trail this week!
Hop here, hop there, we are hopping everywhere! Hopscotch! Jump
rope! Springboard fun!
New Classes Added!
Please check for new classes added each week - Request your
favorite one today!